I’ve never really had a favorite band, in this day and age their are so many bands/artists that exist on the internet they could probably populate their own country. What kind of criteria would categorize a favorite band? How many times you play their record? How many of their records do you own? How many times you’ve seen them play live? I think when it comes down to it, it’s a pretty plain and simple reason: it’s how closely their music relates to you.
What designates an indie kid from a hardcore kid? The obvious reasons are music taste-persons deeply involved in music has a huge influence on the way people act, sometimes how they dress, and who they hang out with. But, in general, it might just be the kind of lifestyle you choose to go about your life. You choose the music that relates to your life. With that analogy, a favorite band/artist would be at the smallest, most specific level, and that’s something that’s hard to find. It’s rare you come about music that relates to you so specifically that you can say to your friends: ‘this is my band’.
For me, Real Estate is the best representation, as a musical form, that embodies me as a person. The ocean, the rocky shores around the bay. Hanging out at the beach at night, cheap ass gansett beer. Watching the basement flood like crazy at the duplex in Providence that I grew up in as a child. ‘Watching the clock tick by’ as I sit through 8am physics class. Listening to their s/t before my high-stakes differential equations exam last semester to ‘chill-out’. Their music, lyrically and instrumentally, relates to how I go about my life. Even though sometimes I really hate Rhode Island with it’s corrupt politicians and smallness, I grew up here and my memories will always be here with the experiences had as a native Rhode Islander. Real Estate, where ever I travel to your music will always bring me back home.
With that said, enjoy Real Estates’ whole Northside fest set live, as recorded by NYCtaper, which includes some totally rad new songs which you can download separately below.
Real Estate: All Out Of Tune [live]
Real Estate: Art Fandelet (new song) [live]
Real Estate: Untitled (new song 2) [live]
photo from Andrew Pichettes’ album, ‘Chew’s Been Here’ taken at Matunuck state beach fall of 2009
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